3 Leading Startup Challenges: How to Face Them?

November 7, 2019

Regardless of how amazing the service or product may be, obstacles and challenges are inevitable for startups. Overcome them first!

Every up-and-coming business stands before a path of successful highs and unfortunate lows. Luckily, the likelihood of success can be predicted not by the number of obstacles a business may encounter, but by the artistry of dealing with them. With that in mind, you need to be informed and prepared when it comes to possible challenges along the way. Here, we will dive into three leading startup challenges and ways to conquer them.

1. Competition

To start with, let's look at two statistics to comprehend today's market.

  1. According to London's financial and business newspaper City A.M., every hour 11,000 businesses are launched worldwide.
  2. Small Business Trends, an online publishing platform, came out with Startup Statistics.  They state that out of all businesses, who started in 2014, 56 % made it to the fifth year(2018).

With that in mind, you can say that the competition is stiff and can be especially stressful for startups.

In order to withstand the competitive business environment which entails both traditional and online businesses, it is necessary to research your competitors thoroughly and identify your startup's unique selling points.

Furthermore, leave modesty behind. Be confident and bold about the product or service you offer through various marketing channels to ensure recognizability amongst competitors.

2. Expectations

Nothing can disappoint as much as theoretical expectations.

Here, let's do ourselves a favour and distinguish expectations from goals.

You can have plenty of ambition, but expecting certain outcomes from certain strategies can result in tears and fears. I understand it is deeply tempting to let your expectations run wild and free. Especially, when looking at overnight success stories on various news outlets.

However, what the inspiring articles don't always tell is that accomplishments are short-lived and expectations never end. Therefore, to ensure stability and gradual path to success, you have to appreciate the power of consistent efforts.

By focusing on your goals and prioritizing sustainable strategy while being open to change, your business will be saved from unrealistic leaps and lethal falls.

3. Finance management

Following a sustainable mindset, financial strategy corresponds to it.

Let's be honest, usually, startups require more effort and money than expected. Consequently, the more financial support you will have, the better.

Be aware to plan ahead as much as possible, as well as to look for new opportunities to gain financial benefits.

If you keep an overview of available resources and set up goals for new accomplishments, it will result in financial successes. It will keep your startup afloat.

To mention, focus your financial investments not only towards the product or service you sell but also towards marketing. You will only truly thrive with new customers if you determine the target audience and implement a corresponding marketing strategy to reach it.


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